A story between Mudiro and Gregor  Kuonen

A story between Mudiro and Gregor Kuonen

Die Familienkellerei Gregor Kuonen, Caveau de SalqThe family winery Gregor Kuonen, Caveau de Salquenen has established itself in the last 40 years with a lot of passion and the highest quality standards to a top address in the Swiss wine industry. In addition to its love for vines and their wines, the Winery Gregor Kuonen has been involved in social projects throughout Switzerland for decades. From an impromptu meeting at a wine exhibition in Bern with Barbara Müller, the idea arose to design a special edition for the Mudiro society. From the proceeds of the sale, the Mudiro society receives CHF 2.00 per bottle sold. In 2019, we were able to credit a large amount for the further development of our program. All wine lovers with a big heart, thank you!

Click the link to order and to find out more information about the Mudiro edition: www.sélection-mudiro.chuenen hat sich in den letzten 40 Jahren mit viel Leidenschaft und höchsten Qualitätsansprüchen zu einer Top-Adresse in der Schweizer Weinbranche etabliert. Neben der Liebe zu den Reben und zu ihren Weinen engagiert sich die Kellerei Gregor Kuonen seit Jahrzehnten vor allem schweizweit für soziale Projekte. Aus einer spontanen Begegnung an einer Weinausstellung in Bern mit Barbara Müller ist die Idee entstanden, eine spezielle Edition für den Verein Mudiro zu konzipieren. Aus dem Verkaufserlös erhält der Verein Mudiro CHF 2.00 pro verkaufte Flasche. 2019 durften wir einen grossartigen Betrag für die Weiterentwicklung unseres Programms gutschreiben. Allen Weinliebhabern mit einem grossen Herz, danke!

Hier geht es zum Link auf die Bestellung und Informationen zur Edition Mudiro:www.sélection-mudiro.ch!

Small steps towards an improved future in the north of Namibia

Small steps towards an improved future in the north of Namibia

Erwin Küffer, a consultant at FINIM AG, travelled to Namibia at the beginning of 2019 to see Mudiro’s training program. The commitment of the field teams to the people of the North touched and impressed him lastingly. Back in Switzerland, he initiated the cooperation of FINIM AG and Mudiro. Both have decided to enter into an insurance partnership. The insurance cover for the field teams is audited by FINIM AG, if necessary supplemented. The services of the insurance partner are open to all interested parties. The partnership compensates all mandates with the note ‘Mudiro’ with an agreed percentage to the club Mudiro. If you need to review your insurance dossier, support the Mudiro program. Heartfelt Merci.

Click here for the link to the contact and information about the partnership:

Anastacia “Crocodile Woman”

Anastacia “Crocodile Woman”

As a 12-year-old girl, Anastacia barely survives a crocodile attack. She loses her left arm, the bone of the right upper arm is completely crushed. Anastacia is fighting for her life in Rundu hospital for weeks. Today she is 17 years old and lives with mother, grandmother and two younger sisters in a small mud hut near Omega. She is almost entirely dependent on the help of the family. She no longer goes to school, she doesn’t have the money for the school uniform and she finds it difficult to write because of her disability.