Mobile Clinic Mudiro
With the Mobile Clinic, Mudiro strengthens and supports basic medical care in the surrounding communities.
Since there are too many unemployed and poor people in the north of Namibia, they not only lack transport options, but also the money for transport. As a result, people often cannot get to the existing hospitals or “health posts”.
There is also a lack of ambulance vehicles, let alone the state owns any with a 4×4 drive. Arriving late or not at all at the respective hospitals naturally has devastating consequences such as:
People have a very difficult course of disease because they do not come to the hospitals in larger villages or cities at an early stage of illness or injury.
Pregnant women sometimes walk very long distances to the clinic to give birth.
Many people die from their injuries on the way.
Children are born somewhere along the way without medical assistance.
These are just a few examples of what people are struggling with.