Arrived and unpacked. The container made it to Namibia.
Our container from Switzerland has arrived in Andara, a few weeks ago and has been placed next to the container village in the garden.
Due to COVID, Barbara Müller cannot distribute most of the things. The idea was to distribute these together with doctors. We will wait and hope that we can bring Swiss doctors to Namibia as soon as possible.
In the meanwhile, Barabara has distributed most of the clothes. Some will be kept for “emergencies.” Sorting these clothes took a long time, but it was worth it. The people were really happy with the distributions.
A project is currently underway with the thousands of reading glasses, corrected glasses, and sunglasses that we have received within the container. The Luka Optics optician’s shop in Rundu has agreed to adjust and hand over the corrected glasses for 10-100 Namibian dollars per person. Now people from Rundu State Hospital, as well as from Nyangana and Andara, can go to Rundu and have corrected glasses fitted. This is a great success and changes in everyday life for many residents and students.
At the end of September 2020, we will also try this in Andara with the opticians from Rundu and the local nurse, who has special training and is responsible for eye diseases. It would be ideal if we could train him so that people no longer have to go to Rundu for glasses.