About the structure of our Mobile Clinic
After 10 months we are finally proud and a little relieved to say that the first Mudiro Mobile Clinic is ready and operational. The way there was not so easy, not only because the complete construction took place in a third-world country but also because some obstacles were put in our way.
With a change of personnel at Team Mudiro, the construction and purchase of the Mobile Clinic began. We as a team took the opportunity after the resignation of this employee and made some changes to the planned Mobile Clinic. Consciously, we simplified everything a little ́ ́ and redesigned it. Our focus was no longer on luxury, but we paid more attention to the robustness, strength as well as the heaviness of the vehicle and as planned from the beginning we stayed with a 4×4, because for our outreach we needed exactly that.
In Windhoek, after a delay of 3 weeks, because the vehicle could not be delivered from South Africa to Namibia, we finally bought our Isuzu. Due to this delay, the complete construction of the box, which we did with the company KTE, was already delayed by 4 weeks. Unfortunately, that was not all, because of course there were also delivery problems, which meant that we lost another two weeks.

After the construction, I, Barbara Müller, drove two times 1200km to Windhoek to keep an eye on everything on the one hand and on the other hand to plan how to proceed. It was now a question of how we would label the Mobile Clinic, in which color we would like to have it, in short, simply the complete design. We decided to print on one side of the Mobile Clinic box the map of the region in which we carry out our operations. On the back side, we decided to print the logo of the main financial partners, it was very important to us that they are a visible part of the Mobile Clinic and you know what support they have given us. The Mobile Clinic shines in bright and beautiful orange so that everyone can see it directly.
To make sure that we are safe on the road, we have trained an employee of Mudiro, who is very responsible, in truck driving so that nothing stands in our way to get started.

In addition to all these things, we have always considered the costs of the complete construction so that everything remains transparent and understandable.
As you know, it went in the world the last two years a little under and over and unfortunately you know now also we were not spared. Many stores have been closed, staff has dropped out and materials and raw materials could no longer be delivered or only with very long waiting times. We made the best of the situation, didn’t give up and despite the bumpy road to our goal, we finally finished this super cool Mobile Clinic.
We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support for our Mobile Clinic project. Together with your help, we can now:
- Specialists and health workers
- hope and routine
- outpatient and medical treatments
- knowledge and education
as well as security in remote villages.
Thank you very much for your great support! Barbara Müller and the whole Mudiro Team